The Cool Collierites meet at The Big Cypress Rec Center the second Wednesday of each month at 6:00PM and play to the “witching hour” (which is 9:00PM in The Villages)!
We have the Card room and the Billiard room, so plenty of opportunities to have a good time.
Please arrive as close to 6:00 as possible so that we can get everyone included in a game.
While this is a function of The Collierites, guests are always welcome.
- Please bring any games you would like to teach and your friends, neighbors, visitors, etc
- You may bring snacks & your beverages of choice as well.
- Please bring small paper plates & napkins if you need them.
◦Note: Before we leave we have to have the rooms completely back to the original condition so your help will be greatly appreciated.
Hopefully we will see you there.
Please contact us by email at the below address if you have any questions.
Ron & Marilyn
Your Cool Collierites Game Night Coordinators